Extractions & Bone Grafting

Do you have missing teeth that you would like to replace with dental implants? Have you also been told that, due to your missing teeth, you have lost bone and you no longer have enough bone left to support those desired dental implants? If so, you’ve probably been told that you need a bone grafting procedure before you can proceed with having your dental implants placed. But, what is bone grafting, and what does it entail? Read on to learn about bone grafting from Turlock, CA periodontist Dr. Kaeley.

Bone grafting for dental implants is required if there isn’t sufficient bone to support your new implant. The most crucial thing is to ensure that the bone graft procedure is done by a specialist in implant dentistry. The correct choice of bone product for your situation is important but not as important as the surgeon. Dr. Kaeley is internationally recognized, and the best dental implant specialist. Our California dental office in Turlock is equipped with cutting edge diagnostic equipment for bone grafting procedures.

What Is Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that is done to “build” jawbone. Using donor tissue acquired from a tissue bank, Dr. Kaeley will perform your bone grafting surgery in her Turlock office to carefully and strategically rebuild your jawbone so that it can accept and fuse around a dental implant. Bone grafting is a very personalized periodontal surgical procedure, and no two Turlock City residents will have the exact same treatment plan. While it is great to research the procedure online to get an idea of the questions to ask Dr. Kaeley, only a consultation with her in her Turlock City office can explain your specific bone grafting procedure in exact detail.

Types of Bone Grafts

A bone graft is the addition of bone, or bone-like material, in an effort to increase the volume of bone in the jaw. Typically, the bone is placed and heals before the implant can be placed. The healing period can vary, depending on the type of bone used.

Bone grafts may be required beforehand for most of these dental implant procedures:

  • Dentures in a Day
  • All-on-Four Dental Implants
  • Single Tooth Implant
  • Mini Dental Implants
  • Teeth in a Day
  • Full Mouth Implants
  • Multiple Teeth Implants
  • Bone Loss in Teeth

There are many types of bone grafts, but they all fall into one of several categories:

>> Autogenous Bone Grafts – Bone Used from The Patient’s Own Body.

An autogenous bone graft which is also known as an autograft, uses bone taken from another site in your body. Typical sites include the leg, hip, chin or jaw. Although this does require an additional surgical procedure to harvest the bone, the risk of rejection or any other adverse reactions is eliminated.

Also, the harvested bone is live which means it has certain cellular elements which will help enhance the production of new bone.

>> Allograft – Bone from A Genetically Similar Organism

An allograft uses highly processed bone taken from a donor and which may be freeze-dried, irradiated or chemically treated to ensure its safety. It is extensively tested to eliminate the risk of contamination. Like a xenograft, allogenic bone will provide a framework for your body to grow new bone cells, but it cannot produce new cells on its own. Both xenografts and allografts are advantageous in that no additional surgery is required to harvest the bone from somewhere else in your body so healing is faster.

>> Xenograft – Bone from A Genetically Dissimilar Organism

The bone used in a xenograft is usually bovine. It is processed at an extremely high temperature to avoid any risk of contamination and is extensively tested to make sure it is safe for use. A xenograft will provide a framework, enabling your own bone to grow on and around the surrounding areas until there is sufficient bone for dental implants.

>> Alloplast (Synthetic) – A Synthetic Biocompatible Material

An alloplast is a graft made from entirely synthetic materials. Artificial bone grafting materials are extremely sophisticated and contain a variety of different substances. They may have a combination of collagen, protein and growth factors that are designed to help promote the formation of new bone cells and to promote healing. This type of synthetic bone is extremely reliable.

The type of bone graft that will be chosen will depend on the situation, and on the amount of bone required.

Timing of Bone Grafts

Depending on the situation, bone grafts may be placed at the same time as an implant, or before the implant. While it is more convenient to place the implant and graft at the same time (thus saving treatment time), sometimes the clinical situation does not allow it. If the bone graft must be placed before the implant is put in, it is very important to follow the timelines set out for treatment. If the implant is placed too soon after the graft is placed, the graft will not have had enough time to heal and become solid. If the implant is placed too long after the graft is placed, resorption and melting of the graft may occur with loss of bone volume. Thus, implant placement is typically scheduled for the “sweet spot” where sufficient healing, but minimal resorption, has occurred.

Do I Have Enough Bone?

After tooth extraction, if the walls of the socket are very thick, they will usually fill naturally with bone in two to three months. However, when the walls of your socket are very thin (such as in your upper and lower front teeth), this type of healing will not be as predictable. In these situations, a bone graft is often placed at the time of tooth extraction to help your body fill in the empty socket with bone. This step will maintain the width and volume of bone you will need for implant placement several months later.

There may be inadequate bone for implant placement if your tooth was removed many years ago and your bony ridge is extremely thin. In this case, a bone graft can be placed next to the thin bone and allowed to heal for up to six to nine months. After the graft has fused to your pre-existing bone, the ridge will be re-entered and the implant placed. Bone grafting is usually a relatively comfortable office procedure and can be done under IV sedation. Many different bone-grafting materials are available, including your own bone and donor grafts.

You may also need bone grafting if the sinus cavities in your upper jaw are very large, or very low, and extend into the tooth-bearing areas. This often occurs when teeth in the back of a person’s upper jaw have been removed many years before or has anatomically low running and large sinuses, and the amount of bone available for implant placement is limited. A “sinus grafting procedure” is then required. Most often, it is performed in the office with local anesthesia and perhaps -oral sedation. During this procedure, the membrane that lines the sinus will be located and elevated using neurosurgical burs. Bone will then be added to restore the bone height and ensure that dental implants of an adequate length can be placed. This procedure often can be performed at the time of implant placement in many cases.

Why Worry About Bone?

A dental implant is a metal post placed into the jawbone, and is used as an anchor on top of which a crown (tooth) is placed.

When the implant is placed, the goal is to ensure that it is completely stable (osseointegrated) within the bone, so that it is strong enough to support the tooth on top of it. Great care must be taken to ensure there is enough bone around the implant as this provides the dental implant with its strength and stability.

Thus, a major concern when placing a dental implant is ensuring sufficient volume of bone around it in height, width, and depth.

How Much Bone Is Needed Around a Dental Implant?

As a general guideline, at least 1 mm of bone is required around a dental implant. More space is required when the implant is next to a tooth or another implant (2 and 3 mm respectively). If there is not enough bone to completely envelope the implant, a bone graft will be required.

When evaluating the height of bone, there should simply be enough bone that the implant will be completely submerged. However, it is important to ensure that the implant does not go so deep as to impinge on other anatomic structures (eg the nerve in the bottom jaw, or the sinus in the upper jaw). When placing implants in the upper jaw, there may not be enough room vertically, and a sinus lift may be required to rebuild bone.

What Is a Typical Bone Grafting Procedure Like at Turlock, CA?

While no two Turlock City residents will have the exact same bone grafting procedure, we can explain what a typical situation is like to give you a better idea of how the surgery is performed. In your average bone grafting case, a Turlock City resident has a missing tooth or teeth that he would like replaced with dental implants, and the tooth or teeth in question have been missing for quite some time.

Because the tooth or teeth have been missing for years, the jawbone has shrunk. Why does this happen? Well, your tooth root does more than simply hold your tooth in place. It actually stimulates your jawbones growth. When you have a tooth removal or have a tooth fall out, you no longer have the tooth root in place to promote healthy jawbone growth. Therefore, bone resorption, or jawbone shrinkage, occurs.

When you arrive at Dr. Kaeley’s Turlock City office for your bone grafting surgery, most likely you will be put to sleep for this procedure. No matter what, the area will be numbed with anesthesia. This applies to your gums and to any area from which bone is being removed. Next, an incision will be made in your gum tissue and a flap created so that your bone is visible. This allows the surgeon to identify exactly how much bone needs to be placed there. If bone is being taken from somewhere else, an incision will be made so that the bone can be extracted at this time. Grafting material will be placed where the bone once was and that area will be stitched up. Next, the new bone will be anchored to your jawbone using a titanium screw. Other grafting material may be used to surround that new block of bone. Some Turlock surgeons may also place membrane material around the bone graft. Afterwards, the area will be closed and sutured.

Recovering From Your Turlock City Bone Grafting Surgery

After your bone grafting procedure, you will be prescribed an antibiotic to prevent infection, analgesic medication to manage your discomfort and an antibacterial mouthwash. You’ll need to eat a soft food diet immediately after your procedure, and avoid placing pressure on the surgical site. If you normally wear dentures, you may not be able to wear them immediately after your surgery. And if you have natural teeth near the bone grafting site, it’s possible that a temporary bridge will be fabricated to protect the surgical site.

All in all, it takes anywhere between 6 to 9 months for Turlock City patients to fully heal from a bone grafting procedure and to be ready for dental implants.

Getting Dental Implants After a Bone Grafting Surgery

Aside from the steps listed above, there are no additional special considerations for Turlock City bone grafting patients once it comes time to receive their dental implants. Their titanium dental implants will be inserted into their newly regenerated jawbone, which will fuse around the dental implant keeping it secure for a lifetime of usage.

Will I Need a Bone Graft for Dental Implants in Turlock, CA?

If you are considering getting dental implants you are already on the road to restoring your smile. Since dental implants are surgically placed and inserted into the jawbone, one of the questions our Turlock patients ask is whether or not they will need a bone graft prior to the procedure. If you live in the Turlock area, we encourage you to visit our dental office for an examination and x-rays so that we can answer this question based on your health. You can schedule an appointment by calling (209) 632-5744.

Scheduling Your Turlock Bone Grafting Consultation

The best way to find out if you need a bone grafting procedure is to call (209) 632-5744 and schedule an appointment with our Turlock dental office. At Progressive Periodontics & Implant Dentistry, we can take x-rays and let you know if your bone is lacking in density. We can then make a recommendation for treatment and let you know whether we are the best provider to do so or if you should see a specialist.

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